Dr. Richard Kurin is the Smithsonian Distinguished Scholar and Ambassador-at-Large. Prior to his current role, Dr. Kurin served as the Smithsonian's Acting Provost, Under Secretary for Museums and Research, and as Under Secretary for History, Art, and Culture since 2007. Before that, he served as Director of the Center for Folklife for two decades, overseeing the annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival bringing artists from scores of nations to the National Mall every summer. He has held Fulbright and Social Science Research Council fellowships while earning his PhD in anthropology from the University of Chicago, taught at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and authored six books, including Reflections of a Culture Broker: A View from the Smithsonian. He has represented the U.S. in various forums, at UNESCO, with international foundations, and at meetings of cultural officials. He has helped draft a treaty on the safeguarding of cultural heritage now ratified by more than 180 nations and currently helps lead US and international efforts to save cultural heritage endangered by natural disasters and conflicts.